Saturday, 20 April 2019

AC Fan speed control using Raspberry Pi and HC-05

In this article I have Control the speed of FAN using bluetooth and Raspberry Pi.

Using Android Mobile we can control the Speed of Fan. I have programmed Raspberry Pi such that
If i send "0" by Bluetooth terminal, FAN will turn OFF.
If i send "1" by Bluetooth terminal, FAN will maintain the 30% speed of its maximum Speed.
If i send "2" by Bluetooth terminal, FAN will maintain the 50% speed of its maximum Speed
If i send "3" by Bluetooth terminal, FAN will maintain its maximum Speed.

Hardware requirement :-
1) HC-05 Bluetooth Module
2) Raspberry Pi
3) Triac
4) Jumper Wire
5) 1K Ohm Resistor
6) 100 Ohm Resistor
7) MOC3021 Opto Isolator.

HC-05 is the bluetooth Module used for the bluetooth Communication between Mobile Device and Raspberry Pi.

Triac is use to control the current.

Circuit Diagram :-

In the above circuit 
Transmitter of HC-05 is connected to the Receiver of Raspberry Pi.
Receiver of HC-05 is connected to the Transmitter of Raspberry Pi.
Vcc of HC-05 is connected to +5V DC
Gnd of HC-05 is connected to Ground 
Output is taken from Pin Number 11 of Raspberry Pi. Pin11 is operated as PWM.

Program for speed Control